Driver Cleaner.NET has been completely rewritten from the ground up to fully support .net frameworkwhich runs in Windows 98, 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, 2003 and natively in Windows Vista.
Driver Cleaner.NET is a program which helps you to remove parts of drivers that are left after uninstallingthe old drivers. The program is for ATI, nVidia, Creative, Realtek, SIS, 3Dfx, S3 and more drivers.First you need to uninstall the drivers from the control panel, then reboot to safemode. After rebooting,run the program. For a good description of what steps you should take, you really need to read the helpfile as it contains detailed instructions and descriptions.
Cab Cleaner.NET is a program that will clean the cab files. It is possible that windows willoverwrite driver files with older files or install drivers from the cab files. Cab Cleaner will removethe ATI and nVidia files from the cab file to prevent this.
Live Update.NET will look online for new versions of the program files and filters and will downloadthem if there are new versions. This has the advantage that you get new filters and updates to existingprogram files without uninstalling and reinstalling the program.
Driver Version Check can display what your current installed drivers is and it will download a file fromthe Driverheaven downloads server with the latest versions on the download server and displays that.Currently supported are ATI Display Drivers and nVidia Display Drivers.
1)Run setup exe…
2)Apply this to registrate…
NAME: tici333
DATE: 25-01-2008
SERIAL: "Inside The Readme File"
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